Amateur Radio Operations teams at MEMA's Regional and State Headquarters were fortunate to have been granted "Class X" WC callsigns during a brief oversight by the FCC and, owing to their legitimate status as RACES Clubs, they were allowed to keep these callsigns.

      MEMA Region #2 operators rarely have time during monthly nets to engage in QSOs on the HF bands or even on the VHF bands, however, any stations who make contact with MEMA Region #2 operators either during a net, during a rare QSO on HF, or any radio enthusiast who submits a listener only QSL report may submit a request for a WC1MAB QSL card. While we do maintain a presence on eQSL, it is checked very infrequently. QSL's may be requested directly from the WC1MAB Trustee at:

C/O Michael Leger - N1YLQ
641 Middle Rd
Acushnet, MA
United States of America*

(*Country only required for international station requests.)

   QSL cards are printed on an individual basis and may take some time to get back to you, but every effort will be made to see that all are responded to in a timely fashion.